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July 24, 2008, NANOG44 PC Meeting Minutes

  • Merit attendees: Gayle Terkeurst 


  • SC attendees: 


  • PC attendees: Larry Blunk, Brian Deardorff, Igor Gashinsky, Kobi Hsu, Joel Jaeggli, Rodney Joffe, Keith Mitchell, Kevin Oberman, Ren Provo, Richard Steenbergen, and Todd Underwood 


  • Known conflicts: Nick Feamster, Mike Hughes, Sylvie LaPerriere, Josh Snowhorn 


The goal of the second call was to identify conditional, declined and accepted presentations, solidify panels, BOFs and tutorials for posting an updated NANOG44 agenda. 

The NANOG44 program is now full and we are no longer accepting general session, BOF, panel, tutorial and keynote submissions. 

The online submission tool at http://www.nanogpc.org will open in September for a limited number of lightning talk slots. Please do prepare to submit in advance of the meeting if able. 

Speaker accounts for NANOG45 submissions can be requested at http://www.nanogpc.org. Conditional acceptance notifications for NANOG45 will be sent in September. 

The tentative agenda for NANOG45 will be released in October. 

Submitted on 25-Jun-08 by Ren Provo, Vice-Chair, NANOG Program Committee.

The Program Committee welcomes your comments and suggestions at [email protected]